Surf N Ink owns 3 best Tattoo places in Surfers Paradise and other parts of Gold Coast, Queensland. The Tattoo parlours have award-winning tattooists.
16/3131 Surfers Paradise Boulevard 4217 Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: 61 75630 5411
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Getting a tattoo is not difficult now, but one problem that is most prominent is the aftercare of your currently-made tattoo. Especially when the person is living in a cold and dry area, things can get complicated. In this blog, we will focus on the challenges you might face during aftercare, handling those issues in the most professional way, and more.

When there is a lack of humidity, cold, and dryness in the air, it might affect your freshly-made tattoos. Choosing the right tattoo aftercare will propel tattoo cure and improve your tattoo longevity. If you don’t know much about the tattoo-making process, items you need to buy, and more, consultation with an expert is the best choice.

What Are Some Impacts We Are Going to Face During Dry and Cold Weather?

Before looking for solutions, we must understand the possible challenges in a specific area. When the weather is cold and dry, the following issues are evident-

Dehydration is Common

If the air is dry, it will reduce the moisture level of your skin. Dehydration will be the ultimate effect. Your tattoo place will become further dry and flaky. If this continues and we don’t take any action, ultimately, your healing process will slow down.

The Healing Process Might Slow Down

During cold weather, our blood circulation takes a toll. In this time, your skin will start losing important minerals and nutrients. The healing will take much more time than usual.   

It Might Itch More

According to many, tattoos itch more during the cold season. This is not good for a freshly made tattoo. The more you itch your tattoo place, the more deformed it will be. Try not to pick the tattoo if you want to have a better tattoo result.

Scab Issues

Finally, there might be some cracking of scabs. Talk to a skin specialist if things are going out of hand quickly.

Use These Techniques to Manage Your Tattoos in That Weather

Now that we are done with the issues, here are some solutions you need to have-

Use Quality Moisturizer

The first thing you need to buy is a tattoo moisturizer. Take some amount and apply it to your tattoo place. Daily application of this moisturizer will make the skin hydrated. Don’t use any petroleum-based products, as they can clog the pores and make the situation complicated.

Drink Enough Water

Another way to keep your body hydrated is to drink enough water. This will improve the skin texture. Have special attention to your diet plan. Have some fresh fruits and vegetables on your plate to get better skin.

We Must Protect the Tattoo from Cold

Freshly made tattoos are vulnerable to cold weather. Try not to expose your tattoo to cold winds. Cover yourself with proper clothing to reduce irritation and other issues.

Hot Water Is Not Good for A Newly-Made Tattoo

After consulting with tattoo experts, we have come to know that hot water is not good for our tattoos. You can pick lukewarm water to clean the tattoo, but not anything else.

We hope these tips will surely help you protect your tattoos from issues and get you the best results possible.